Free Lectures

Free Lectures from ESPID 2021

Like last year we are delighted to offer you free access to 4 PID sessions in July!

Watch these intriguing sessions and come back for more – ESPID 2021 is still fully available, buy access today and enjoy this outstanding Meeting.

4 Free PID Sessions

In July, we will be releasing a free session or lecture each week, so keep an eye on social media and the ESPID 2021 website. Come back on 6, 13, 20, and 27 July. Stay tuned to get access.

It is never too late to start learning and change the lives of children!

Opening Plenary Symposium

Rolf Zinkernagel

What is immunity?
Nobel laureate Rolf Zinkernagel, Switzerland

Omer Saad

Infodemics and how they influence the work of Paediatric Infectious Diseases Specialists
Omer Saad, United States

Bill Marshal Award & Lecture

Bill Marshall Award & Lecture
Adilia Warris

Forgotten Wisdom - the Most Influential Studies You Need to Have Heard of

Ron Dagan

Maria Tsolia

Hermione Lyall

Ronald de Groot

Adam Finn

James Cherry

New Frontiers for Prevention of Congenital CMV

Prevention of congenital CMV: is maternal treatment the solution?
Marianne Leruez-Ville, France

Treatment of CMV in toddlers
David Kimberlin, USA

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